Saturday, February 10, 2007

Women and Shopping

Well, what is it with women and shopping? Everywhere I go, men would all unanimously conclude that women love shopping and men don't. This probably holds true to most every couple on earth--the woman goes to the market to buy stuff and the man stays home to watch his favorite show on tv. Personally, I do think that it is innate in a woman to be the one who gets the needed stuff, thus, "go shopping" per se because what does a man know? Most men I know wouldn't care a thing about household needs for as long as they are comfortably seated on their favorite spot in the living room in front of the boob tube, or if they are freely wandering somewhere else doing their own stuff. I don't think that it is fair for men to think that women and shopping is a bad thing. To me it calls for attention only when the woman shops like there's no tomorrow. But for women who can still find balance between shopping and reason I say, keep it up girl! I do love shopping...for hours, but not necessarily shopping to be able to buy stuff. I think, just being able to wander around the store, and take your mind off of your worries is a good way to ventilate yourself of all unpleasant thoughts or emotional burden. Besides, the fact that men don't want to go with women to the store is an added opportunity for a woman to collect herself in her moment of blissful solitude, while shopping.

1 comment:

Helena said...

I love to shop,,and find if I go for one thing I usually spend way to much. Who ever heard of leaving the dollar store and just spending a dollar. My boyfriend usually shops for the needed items,,,I get the fun stuff. We both like to shop, but I hate going together.
