Friday, March 2, 2007

Detecting Breast Cancer

When it comes to breast cancer, women have no power over their health. There's still no cure for it and the best thing that a woman can do is to do regular mammograms and breast exams--yet that's not prevention. However detecting it early may spell the difference between death and survival. On this page, you will find an important resource on the early signs of breast cancer.(Women's Health)
  • A lump is detected, which is usually single, firm, and most often, painless.
  • A portion of the skin on the breast or underarm swells and has an unusual appearance.
  • Veins on the skin surface become more prominent on one breast.
  • The breast nipple becomes inverted, develops a rash, changes in skin texture, or has a discharge other than breast milk.
  • A depression is found in an area of the breast surface.
Women's breast can develop some degree of lumpiness, but only a small percentage of lumps are malignant. While a history of breast cancer in the family may lead to increased risk, most breast cancers are diagnosed in women with no family history. If you have a family history of breast cancer, this should be discussed with your doctor.
To learn more about breast cancer visit

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